The Athletic Edge

Welcome back to the newsletter!

I'm thrilled to reconnect with all of you and share some exciting updates on the projects I've been working on lately.

First and foremost, I'm happy to announce the launch of my new podcast, 'The Athletic Edge Podcast'! After almost a year of planning, the first episode is finally set to launch tomorrow, Monday, February 19th. This podcast is tailored to athletes, sports coaches, and parents keen on exploring every aspect of athletic development, particularly in youth sports.

In each episode, I'll dive deep into discussions with experts from around the globe, to cover topics such as strength training, performance enhancement, and long-term athletic development strategies. My goal is to provide valuable insights and game-changing tools to empower athletes and parents on their journey toward success.

I'm incredibly grateful to have already hosted some phenomenal guests, including Alena Luciani, S&C coach and owner of Training2XL, and Des Ryan, former head of Sport Science and Athletic Development at Arsenal. Additionally, I had the privilege of interviewing Javier Mallo, former S&C coach of Real Madrid, and Elena Isla, Head of Medical Services for U19s at Real Madrid, during their visit to the island last summer.

Stay tuned for more details on each episode as they're released!

In other news, I'm excited to announce that spots are now available for my small group youth athlete training sessions on Saturdays at either 10 am or 11 am. Additionally, I'm planning to introduce adult group sessions in the near future, offering 2-3 sessions per week for anyone interested! (Days/times TBD)

Spots for both youth and adult sessions are limited, so if you're interested, please fill out the form below to secure your spot.

Thank you all for your continued support, and I can't wait to provide more updates

Talk soon,
